Pot-smoking pregnant or breastfeeding mothers have been warned that they could be harming their babies.The alarm bell has been raised by Lauren Jansson who is an associate professor of paediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Carpinteria Marijuana Delivery Jansson points out that the high-making THC compound found in marijuana travels into the bloodstream and then settles into breastmilk. Breastmilk is full of fat and that is something that THC just loves attaching itself to. The THC then acts as a trigger to the cannabinoid receptors in the…
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Unionists are fighting for better workplace conditions for California’s pot trimmers
There is good and there is bad news for California’s pot trimmers. The good news is that unionists are hard at work to ensure that this group of workers for the marijuana industry get a fair shake. The bad news is that quick and tax-free cash under-the-table could soon become something of the past. As California unionists take a hard and long look at protecting the marijuana industry’s immigrant-dominated pot trimmers’ workforce, the reality for these artisans is that their hard-earned cash will no longer escape the scrutiny of law-enforcers.…
Read MoreMaking Medical Marijuana Easy in California
It is possible to get most people moving to California to get a taste of medical marijuana. According to some latest marijuana news, most people who move to California have marijuana as one of the factors that drove them to move. With many conditions today being treated using medical marijuana, staying in a state that has not legalized makes you miss out on many things. Gonzales Marijuana Delivery You might be living in an area where people are too uptight about using the strain. So, what has California done to…
Read MoreCalifornia Could Tax the Daylights Out of Marijuana Consumers
Ask anyone who stays in a state where marijuana is legal, and they will tell you just the business is budding. Those who took the opportunity of investing in marijuana are now reaping all the benefits you could imagine. Based on a report released in 2017, it shows that marijuana has grown by 30% in 2017 when it comes to the annual revenue. It is expected that these sales will grow by 45% in 2018. As you can see, the opportunity of investing in marijuana is still there. Some have…
Read MoreWoody Harrelson Says Weed Saved Him at Trump Dinner
World-renowned marijuana activist and actor Woody Harrelson came out recently and said that he had to smoke weed at a dinner with Trump just to survive it. He said that the dinner party, organized in 2002 by now-President Donald Trump, was so utterly unbearable that he had to step outside for a few hits just to keep his wits and composure about him. King City Marijuana Delivery The actor and Texas-born thespian, made famous for his roles in movies and such TV shows as True Detective and Cheers, made this…
Read MoreWildfires Devastate Marijuana Farms in California
The wildfires raging across Northern California are not only jeopardizing its lucrative wine industry. Marijuana farmers throughout the Emerald Triangle and Sonoma County are now sitting with crops burnt in the fires, as well. This October’s wildfires have wreaked havoc on hundreds of thousands of acres, destroying thousands of private homes, acres of valuable vineyards, and California’s most precious commodity, fields of cannabis. The fires, which have killed 41 people, burnt down 5,700 structures, and destroyed well over 231,000 acres, or 86,198 hectares, of land, have been blazing trails through…
Read MorePeople Vape Not to Get Caught
Whenever one wanders the streets of Manchester, he or she is more than likely to get a whiff of the distinctive, dark aroma of pot wafting in the breeze. However, experts explain how advanced technology is making it easier for people to smoke in public without attracting unwanted attention from the law. Vapes, or vaporizers, are similar to e-cigarettes, and they are growing in popularity among pot users. Since their arrival from China 10 years ago, e-cigarettes have been gradually growing in acceptance and demand. According to a YouGov study…
Read MoreJustin Trudeau Outlines Excise Tax for Legal Pot to Surprised Premiers
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has plans to levy a federal excise tax on all recreational cannabis the moment it becomes legal in July next year. Half of the revenues generated by it will go to the different provinces and territories throughout Canada, and the other half to fund various government and community programs. Gonzales Marijuana Delivery Trudeau put this federal proposal to premiers on Wednesday, during a meeting of first ministers in Ottawa. Under Trudeau’s plan, every gram of recreational pot in the country will be subject to a…
Read MoreVentura County Bans Cannabusinesses, Embraces Hemp
Supervisors in Ventura County received orders on Tuesday to do whatever necessary to ban any businesses cultivating or selling cannabis for recreational purposes. However, at the same time, lawmakers tasked them with analyzing the economic potential of growing hemp instead. Supervisors John Zaragoza and Linda Parks were outspoken about calling for a ban in unincorporated territory before January, when the state starts issuing commercial licenses for pot businesses. Proposition 64, which voters approved in November last year, legalizes the recreational use of cannabis for anyone 21-years old and over. It…
Read MoreStudy Finds No Negative Effects of Marijuana on Kidney Function
A recent study examined whether cannabis has any effect on kidney function, and if so, what exactly. However, it found little evidence that consumption has any impact on the kidneys of healthy young adults at all. The Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology published the scientific analysis, but further study is necessary to assess the effects of pot in older adults and those with kidney disease. Because people are increasingly becoming accepting of marijuana use in the United States, there is a dire need for scientific study…
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