In the town of Akala in Mushin, Lagos State, police officials arrested a suspected drug dealer for dealing in marijuana. Along with 49 other people, the Lagos State Task Force on Environmental and Special Offences Enforcement Unit arrested Sunday Adesoye, also known as Marlboro, on Saturday. Police allegedly seized 48 bags of illegal drugs from the suspects. Adesoye reportedly said in his statement to police that he was selling N500, 000 worth of marijuana and other illegal narcotics every day in Akala. Olayinka Egbeyemi, chairperson of the task force, said…
Read MoreDay: October 17, 2017
People Vape Not to Get Caught
Whenever one wanders the streets of Manchester, he or she is more than likely to get a whiff of the distinctive, dark aroma of pot wafting in the breeze. However, experts explain how advanced technology is making it easier for people to smoke in public without attracting unwanted attention from the law. Vapes, or vaporizers, are similar to e-cigarettes, and they are growing in popularity among pot users. Since their arrival from China 10 years ago, e-cigarettes have been gradually growing in acceptance and demand. According to a YouGov study…
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